Higher Ed Experts

Higher Ed Experts 2013 Grads: Sarah Bornemann, Application Developer at Lakeshore Technical College

The Higher Ed Experts Class of 2013 is composed of people just like you working in universities and colleges.

Our grads earned their Higher Ed Experts certificate by demonstrating mastery in a given critical skill for digital professionals such as Web Analytics, Social Media Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Responsive Web Design and Web Writing.

All completed their 4-week or 8-week online course with a final grade above or equal to 80/100.

We are so proud of these dedicated professionals that we want to tell the world how great Higher Ed Experts grads are in a series of interviews.

Today let’s meet Sarah Bornemann who earned her Higher Ed Experts certificate after taking the 4-week online course on Responsive Web Design for Higher Ed taught by Stewart Foss. Sarah Bornemann works as an Application Developer at Lakeshore Technical College.

1) What is the most rewarding part of your job?

Sarah Bornemann earned her Higher Ed Experts certificate in Responsive Web Design for Higher Ed.

My job is actually quite rewarding. It’s fun for me to see the web apps and pages that I write go live on our college’s website. I am the only web developer at our college, so it’s very rewarding to see my work help to bring in students.

2) What is the most challenging part of your job?

I would say the most challenging part of my job is having to stay within the parameters of what users, (and the college’s design), ask for. Sometimes I’d like to apply some creativity using CSS or jQuery to really wow the audience, but at this time our website styling doesn’t really allow for that without some pages looking very inconsistent.

3) What has been the most valuable outcome of the course you took with Higher Ed Experts?

I took the responsive design course with Higher Ed Experts and every bit of it was valuable. I will be taking the concepts that I learned and directly applying them to our website redesign and CMS implementation in early 2014.

4) Besides Higher Ed Experts courses and conferences, what else do you recommend for professional development in higher education?

Google everything. There are so many tutorials out on the web that are showcasing new techniques or coding that you can learn from. I wish I had more time to explore these possibilities.