Watch “The online classroom as a new channel” and register for weekly free “Talk & Learn” on Fridays

The Online Classroom as a New Digital Communication Channel Last week at the live Friday Free Higher Ed Experts’ Talk & Learn, Jenna Spinelle (Penn State) and Andrew Cassel (Middlebury College) presented a 12-minute session on the online classroom as a new digital communication channel in higher ed:“Helping faculty, your new digital influencers” “How to […]

30 Min Talk Online Classroom Digital Channel Sq
  • A really effective use of professional development time & budget. Easy to attend, and good information.

    Heather Torbert, Penn State University. Heather Torbert, Penn State University,
    Higher Education Social Media Conference Alum
  • Fantastic course! Going to make a world of difference for me and my operation as I seek to corral the chaos and create some structure/methods for how we work on the web at my institution. It’s all about metrics.

    Daniel Demmons. Daniel Demmons, Director of Web Design, Architecture and Services at Providence College (RI)
    Web Analytics for Higher Ed Course Alum
  • This course challenged me. In my 8 years in higher ed web marketing, I have always thought the unfamiliarity with web authoring tools was why our web content contributors struggle. I came to the realization that perhaps it’s their lack of confidence in writing and the challenge writing for the web presents. I learned some techniques and strategies to help coach our contributors as well as strengthen our overall strategy and approach to web writing.

    Jason Swackhamer. Jason Swackhamer, Director of Web Communications at Saginaw Valley State University (MI)
    Web Writing for Higher Ed Course Alum
  • I learned a lot of relevant information to my daily role as a communicator in higher ed. The presentations are concise and easy to digest with great key points that can be taken away and implemented immediately.

    Rebecca Biason, University of Toronto. Rebecca Biason, University of Toronto,
    Higher Ed Content Conference Alum

I learned a lot of relevant information to my daily role as a communicator in higher ed. The presentations are concise and easy to digest with great key points that can be taken away and implemented immediately.

Rebecca Biason, University of Toronto. Rebecca Biason, University of Toronto,
Higher Ed Content Conference Alum

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