Higher Ed Experts

Everyday #highered Content Strategy: Tips by Cameron Pegg (@ghostwhowrites ) from Griffith University

Cameron Pegg, Executive Officer for the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Engagement) at Griffith University in Brisbane (Australia), is one of the 13 higher ed professionals presenting at the 2014 Higher Ed Content Conference.

A former alumni magazine editor, Cameron is a feature writer for The Australian newspaper and teaches creative writing at the University of Queensland.

In this 3-question interview, Cameron tells us about a content challenge, a secret weapon to create better content and shares some advice.

1) What is your secret weapon to get better higher ed content created?

A sure fire way to produce better content is to regularly share successes and ideas with your colleagues, and to encourage their input into the brainstorming process. When people see that others have tried something new that has worked, they feel empowered to give it a go themselves and build upon that success (infographics are a great example). You can facilitate this discussion via regular team meetings, a platform like Yammer, a listserv or even a shared document or spreadsheet on Google Drive.

2) What piece of advice would you give to somebody who wants to improve digital content?

Attend this conference for a start! There are many great highered digital content case studies out there which are both inspiring and instructive. Find those that match your vision, desired outcomes (or resources), and prepare a solid case that makes it easy for your boss to say yes. Good research is about new ideas backed up by evidence; why should digital content strategy be any different?