Higher Ed Experts

Everyday #highered Content Strategy: Challenges & Tips by Tabita Green (@tabitag ) from Luther College

Tabita Green, Director of Web Content at Luther College, is one of the 13 higher ed professionals presenting at the 2014 Higher Ed Content Conference.

Tabita manages web content at Luther College.

In this 3-question interview, Tabita tells us about a content challenge, a secret weapon to create better content and shares some advice.

1) What is the biggest challenge you face in your day-to-day work on higher ed content?

The biggest challenge is keeping the close to 500 sites within luther.edu up to date, consistent, and user-friendly. We have documented conventions and perform a routine audit of many sites once a year, offer recommendations, and meet with site owners to come up with a plan to upgrade their content. We get lots of assistance from our wonderful student workers in this process.

2) What is your secret weapon to get better higher ed content created?

We’ve incorporated a simple user testing process to identify areas for improvement on our website and also to test our changes to make sure that they are actually improvements.

3) What piece of advice would you give to somebody who wants to improve digital content?

Start with a solid style guide for your content. Then do less in order to produce higher-quality content. For example, produce ten high-quality videos rather than forty sloppy/cheap ones.