Higher Ed Experts

Content Strategy in #highered: State, Impact & Advice by @KellyABennett from Miami University

Kelly Bennett, Manager of Social Media and Marketing Strategy at Miami University, is one of the 12 higher ed professionals presenting at the 2015 Higher Ed Content Conference (April 15).

In this 3-question interview, Kelly discusses the state of content at her institution, how she measures content performance and shares some advice to create content for higher ed.

1) Would you say that content has now the place it deserves at your institution?

Digital content is essential to get information to our students.

We know old forms of communication are overlooked. Even emails are considered “out of date.”

Being where our audiences are, online and in the digital space, is the best way to reach them, which is why taking something physical and making it digital, for instance turning a flyer into a tweet or a Snapchat, is the best way to reach a large audience and allow that audience to re-share the information.

2) How do you measure the performance and/or the impact of your content at your school? How does this help you with the content creation process?

Since my role covers social media, I track retweets, favorites, likes, and screenshots of snapchats in order to see what students find is the best content.

3) Can you share the best piece of advice or lesson you learned about creating content for higher ed?

Keep it relevant to your audience.
If you can make a piece of content light and humorous, you should. For inspiration, google Memes and Gifs.