What’s up in higher ed this week?
Karine Joly has published a weekly email newsletter (on Wednesday mornings) since December 2008.
Check out this week’s selection of articles, blog posts and news stories, carefully curated to help higher ed digital professionals like you keep up with what matters!
Present at the 2016 Higher Ed Content Conference: Submit a proposal before TONIGHT
From collegewebeditor.com
Can higher ed move from hierarchical to networked?
From Higher Ed Marketing
Should you jump on social bandwagons?
From Inside Higher Ed
Update: Instagram Adds Account Switching
From HigherEdWebTech
Bangor Police Department: an arresting social media star
From InsideTimsHead
Faculty members ask why university posted sexist video on website
From Inside Higher Ed
IWMW 2016 in the UK: Call For Submissions
From UK Web Focus
Automatically Art-Directed Responsive Images?
From Smashing Magazine
Browser Trends February 2016: Mobile Market Decline?
From SitePoint
Google releasing virtual reality headset this year, report says
From Mashable
Instagram Finally Makes It Easy To Use Multiple Accounts
From TechCrunch
Missed the Last Newsletter? #HEA16 Preview, The Voice, RFPs, Instagram, SnapChat & New Facebook Algorithm
From Higher Ed Experts
Don’t miss the next issue of Karine’s Weekly Newsletter, Subscribe!
There’s also more than links in the Email version of Karine’s newsletter: new jobs, top conferences, events as well as movers and shakers in higher ed. So, subscribe to get everything in your inbox on Wednesdays.