Higher Ed Experts

Introducing a different kind of #highered Instagram takeovers by… your #hesm colleagues

Everybody loves social media takeovers in higher education

Since early adopters like Meg (Bernier) Keniston at St Lawrence University introduced and popularized the practice in higher education, social media takeovers have become a regular practice in higher education.

Whether it’s on Instagram, Twitter or Snapchat, more and more schools decide to give the keys to an institutional account to students, alums or faculty members for a day or a week.

Social media takeovers are a great way to produce original content, keep followers engaged, increase total reach while also providing a glimpse of the life and experiences of the person taking control of the account.

Social media takeovers by higher ed social media pros?

Since the #HESM professional community is composed of such amazing talented social media professionals, it’s the perfect group to push the envelope when it comes to social media takeovers while tightening ties between members of our community.

If you ever wondered how a typical (or unusual) day in the life of your HESM peers looks like, you’ll love this new series of HESM Instagram Takeovers offered on Higher Ed Experts’ brand new Instagram account.

After experimenting a bit with your colleagues in my 8-week course on social media marketing for higher ed (Instagram and Twitter takeovers were actually a course assignment for them), I’ve decided to ask the 12 presenters of the Higher Ed Social Media Conference to play the takeover game starting next Monday — between October 31 and November 15, 2016 (on week days).

Every presenter will takeover the account for a day to give you a glimpse of his/her life, workplace, best practices and favorite social media tools or tips.

If you are curious about how social media is done at other schools, make sure to follow the Higher Ed Experts Instagram account.

Here’s the schedule of the #HESM16 Takeovers if you want to follow somebody in particular:

Want to show us YOUR #HESM point of view? Volunteer for an upcoming takeover!

We want to offer a window on the lives of all the great social media pros working in higher education through regular Instagram takeovers of Higher Ed Experts account.

Please complete this form to volunteer for a 24-hour Instagram takeover.