Higher Ed Experts

4 questions to great #highered pros to follow: Jason Boucher, Social Media Manager – University of New Hampshire

Jason Boucher, Social Media Manager – University of New Hampshire, is one of the 12 presenters of the 2017 Higher Ed Content Conference (the 4th edition!).

In this 4-question interview, Jason tells us about an exciting content project, a favorite tool, the place of SEO and shares a cool video with us.

1) What is the most exciting content project you’ve worked on over the past year?

The most exciting content project I have worked on over the last year is probably the #UNH150 ‘Hear Us Roar’ Snapchat contest. Many students participated and helped drive attendance to the official UNH campaign launch party that took place on campus. There was a lot of creativity, engagement, and fun during the competition and students were engaged and happy!

2) What is your favorite tool to use when working on content projects?

My favorite tools to use when working on a content project are Hootsuite Enterprise and Hootsuite Campaigns. They make my job easier and give me the ability to track and analyze material fast without losing focus and allow for my curated content to look presentable on any device. My higher ed colleagues should use Hootsuite, as it will make your jobs easier and provide the necessary tools to needed to track a campaign and organize content.

3) What is the place of search engine optimization in your content creation and distribution process?

With social media, the most important thing we do is make sure that when we create content on any social media platform, that the appropriate accounts and tags are present. SEO is still important, but with digital advertising it hasn’t been the driving force it once was because of ad targeting and boosted posts. Outside of social media, we make sure each webpage has updated metadata included before publishing.

4) Video has become a key format. Can you share the most successful video produced at your school?

The most successful video was the day before Election Day when we had a surprise visit from President Barack Obama on campus. He greeted the crowd with our most famous line, “It’s a great day to be a Wildcat.” The video was shared over 2,775 times and gathered more than 19,800 reactions and over 57,000 post clicks.

A conference focusing on content strategy & practices in higher ed?

The HECO conference has become a must-attend event for marketing and communication professionals in higher education looking for new ideas and best practices for content creation, management and distribution..

Read below what a few of your higher ed colleagues who attended the past editions of the Higher Ed Content Conference say about the event.