Higher Ed Experts

Newsletter: 12 Popular Content Tools, #HESM Lessons Learned, Editorial Style, Twitter, Facebook and Snapchat New Features

What’s up in higher ed this week?

Karine Joly has published a weekly email newsletter (on Wednesday mornings) since December 2008.

Check out this week’s selection of articles, blog posts and news stories, carefully curated to help higher ed digital professionals like you keep up with what matters!

12 Favorite Content Tools in Higher Ed
From College Web Editor

4 Things I’ve Learned Teaching Social Media Measurement for Higher Ed
From HigherEd Experts

Building a Strong Higher Ed Marketing Team
From Inside HigherEd

Social Media and Higher Ed – we’re still talking about this??
From LinkedIn

4 questions to Bill Zimmerman, Social Media Manager at Penn State University
From HigherEd Experts

Editorial style never goes out of fashion
From University of Bath

Results from mobile usability testing
From University of St. Andrews

5 things I learned from organizing a Twitter chat for my school
From Social Media @ Hallam

How to get prospective students to tell your story during a visit day
From SnapChat

5 Strategies for Building a Great University Brand
From Inside HigherEd

Storytelling = Strategy for Advancing Your Brand
From Inside HigherEd

How To Set Up An Automated Testing System Using Android Phones (A Case Study)
From Smashing Magazine

Two New Ways to Get More Insight into Your Audience
From Periscope Blog

Now on Twitter: 140 characters for your replies
From Twitter Blog

More Ways to Support Causes
From Facebook Blog

Facebook introduces personal fundraising tools, donate buttons in Facebook Live for Pages
From TechCrunch

Facebook opens up 360-degree live streaming to all
From TechCrunch

How Stories Search makes Snapchat a real-time YouTube
From TechCrunch

Missed last week’s newsletter? FaceChat Stories & SnapBook Filters, Snapchat Series, Giving Metrics, Why Share #HESM
From HigherEd Experts

Don’t miss the next issue of Karine’s Weekly Newsletter, Subscribe!

There’s also more than links in the Email version of Karine’s newsletter: new jobs, top conferences, events as well as movers and shakers in higher ed. So, subscribe to get everything in your inbox on Wednesdays.