Higher Ed Experts

3 questions on #highered analytics to great pros to follow: Victoria O’Malley (@vicomalley), Director of Marketing and Communications – University of Denver UC

Victoria O’Malley, Director of Marketing and Communications at University of Denver’s University College, is one of the 12 presenters of the 2018 Higher Ed Analytics Conference.

In this 3-question interview, Victoria tells us about what’s coming in 2018, the challenges of embracing analytics in higher ed and the best ways to keep learning about data and measurement for higher ed marketers..

1) What’s coming for higher ed analytics and measurement in 2018?

We’re past the point of convincing people that we should measure performance, and now we’re at the point of determining how to measure and take action based on the data. As we move forward, getting a better handle on what the data means and how you can make improvements using that information will be crucial. For 2018, I’m looking for ways to streamline data collection and analysis. There are so many data sources — Google Analytics, Facebook Insights, Twitter Analytics, etc. — finding ways to automate and quickly populate a dashboard will be important to save time.

2) What’s preventing higher education from embracing data and analytics more widely for digital marketing?

Resources, of course! Perhaps at this stage it’s the perception that it takes significant time and a big budget to collect and analyze data, but in reality it doesn’t. Planning out how and when to collect data through free tools can help marketing professionals use their time wisely. By measuring performance, you could ultimately save money and optimize your ads while they are running, particularly when you’re looking at digital marketing efforts.

3) What are the best ways to keep learning about analytics, measurement and data?

Following data-driven communicators on Twitter, subscribing to relevant newsletters, and attending conferences like this one are ways I stay on top of the trends. Talking to colleagues across the country and my own campus helps to keep me in the loop. And of course, just playing in the tools and being willing to experiment will get you far when it comes to developing your skills.

A conference focusing on higher ed analytics?

The Higher Ed Analytics Conference is a must-attend event for higher ed marketing professionals and teams looking for new ideas and best practices.

Read below what a few of your higher ed colleagues who attended the past editions of the Higher Ed Analytics Conference say about the experience.