Higher Ed Experts

3 questions on content to great #highered pros to follow: Tia Linder, Assistant Director of Online Communications – Fordham University

Tia Linder, Assistant Director of Online Communications at Fordham University, is one of the 12 presenters of the 2018 Higher Ed Content Conference.

In this 3-question interview, Tia tells us about the best content advice ever, content performance measurement and a favorite content tool.

1) What is the best advice you’ve ever been given when it comes to content?

The best advice I have been given about content was that it is not one size fits all. Content must be tailored for a specific target audience. When creating web pages, I ask web editors to first identify their target audience and then present their content to align with their wants and needs.

2) How is the performance of your content measured/evaluated at your school?

We measure and evaluate content performance through analytics. We rely heavily on our metric reports to tell a story about our content and web pages. We compile monthly, quarterly, and yearly reports and compare traffic to our pages and ads. Our analytics gives us insight into what our web pages/ads are or are not doing. We encourage editors to gather their yearly reports in a Google document so they can compare performance over time.

3) What is your favorite content tool?

My favorite content tool is Google Analytics because it allows us to measure the effectiveness of our content. Web editors have access to their metrics so they engage with their website performance. Before editing content or redesigning pages, we first look at our analytics because it not only tells a story about content but it also tells a story about our visitors. Website analytics lets us know if we are reaching and meeting the needs of our target audience.

A conference focusing on higher ed content?

The Higher Ed Content Conference is a must-attend event for higher ed content professionals and teams looking for new ideas and best practices.

Read below what a few of your higher ed colleagues who attended the past editions of the Higher Ed Content Conference say about the experience.