Higher Ed Experts

Dr. Corie Morell Martin, WKU Director of Digital Marketing, joins Higher Ed Experts Faculty Team

Dr. Corie Morell Martin to teach Social Media & Web Writing for Higher Ed

We are very excited to announced that Corie Morell Martin, Ed.D., Director of Web Services and Digital Marketing at Western Kentucky University is the new member of Higher Ed Experts’ Faculty team. Corie’s digital communication expertise and her experience as a professional but also a MBA professor will be invaluable assets for our Faculty team.

Corie will teach the summer session of our 4-week online course on Social Media and Web Writing for Higher Ed (Juy 15-Aug 11) then will share the teaching load for this course with our Faculty member, Sofia Tokar.

Meet Prof Corie

A professional writer and communicator, Dr. Corie Morell Martin has served as the Director of Web Services and Digital Marketing for Western Kentucky University since 2008. Her career spans more than two decades in journalism, advertising, media relations, web services and marketing. She began her career at WKU as the first ever social media recruiter for the Office of Admissions, before moving into her current role with WKU Public Affairs, where she has led award-winning website redesign efforts, unique social and digital media initiatives, and major marketing outreach campaigns.

A frequent speaker at conferences, events (HighEdWeb, eduWeb, Ruffalo Noel-Levitz NCSRMR, NACAC, AASCU, and Higher Ed Social Media and Content conferences for Higher Ed Experts), and a contributor to higher ed publications, Dr. Martin shares best practices in social media, collaborative content strategies, and innovative outreach solutions.

She is a professor of social media and advanced marketing for the Department of Marketing and the MBA Program at the WKU Gordon Ford College of Business. She holds a BA in Communication, an MA in Organizational Management, and an Ed.D. in Postsecondary Educational Leadership.

She is the newest member of the Higher Ed Experts faculty, teaching Writing for the Web, a course she also completed.