Higher Ed Experts

Watch “Engaging & Supporting Alumni 100% Online” and register for weekly free “Talk & Learn” on Fridays

Engaging & Supporting Alumni

Kelly Holdcraft (William & Mary) and Robert Bochnak (Harvard Business School) presented a 15-minute session on “Engaging and supporting alumni” in 2 parts:
“Going digital with your events for alumni ”
“ Amplifying your online events for alumni ”

Resources & templates

Going digital with your events for alumni
Virtual Engagement Opportunities – William & Mary website
Amplifying your online events for alumni
Crisis Management for Leaders Webinar Videos #1, #2, #3 and #4

Q&A Panel on Engaging and Supporting Alums

University of Toronto
Mind Control: Managing Your Mental Health During COVID-19 – Free Coursera Course by Professor Steve Joordens, University of Toronto
Free online course for U of T alumni: learn coping skills for managing your mental health during COVID-19

Weekly Talk & Learn on Fridays: free and to-the-point, but you need to register

If you want a weekly check-in with members of the higher ed digital communication, marketing, web and social media community, we’ve decided to host free “Talk & Learn” online meetings every Friday until further notice.

When you register, you can tell us what you’d like to see covered.

I will use Higher Ed Experts’ Zoom “computer audio” (no phone line!) meeting room for these weekly free 30-min Talk & Learn.

So, you need to register ASAP to reserve your free virtual seat.