Higher Ed Experts

3 questions to great #highered pros to follow: Alan Etkin, Senior Analyst – British Columbia Institute of Technology

Alan Etkin, Senior Analyst – British Columbia Institute of Technology, is one of the 12 presenters of the 2017 Higher Ed Analytics Conference (the 5th edition!).

In this 3-question interview, Alan tells us about an interesting analytics challenge and a favorite Google Analytics before discussing what will make a big difference for higher ed analytics in 2017.

1) What’s the most challenging yet interesting part in your work with analytics?

By far the most challenging yet interesting part of my work with analytics is setting up goals that accurately track conversions as opposed to intent to convert. It’s the difference between tracking the “thank you!” confirmation message versus clicks on a button to start the application or registration process. Getting this tracking in place requires mapping out flows, working with campus developers, and often working with vendors of external systems. There are so many variables that what works for one campus, doesn’t for another. It’s always a puzzle.

2) What is your favorite GA feature, why and how do you use it at your school?

Goal value is by far my favourite feature within GA. Once you have it set up, you can start to use advanced reporting to show the return on your investments – whether it’s the time you put into a new feature or the return on the money you’re spending for online advertising. We’re starting to use goal value in our analysis of content for site redesigns. With goal values in place, you can see individual page value, and, in addition to reporting on volume of traffic, you get insights into which pages offer the highest value on the various paths to conversion. Add a few custom segments and you start to get even richer information on page value by audience type or source.

3) What do you think will make a big difference for higher ed analytics and measurement in 2017?

Whatever level you’re at, the more you work with Google Analytics, the better you’ll understand it, and the more you’ll get out of it. I’d recommend focusing on a feature you’re currently not using, whether it’s goal values, custom segments, custom reports or whatever. I try to tackle something new at BCIT every year. Next up we’re exploring the capabilities of enhanced ecommerce for detailed tracking of course registrations, and for better tracking of behaviour on site.

A conference on digital analytics for higher education?

The HEA conference has become a must-attend event for digital marketing and communication professionals in higher education looking for new ideas and best practices.

Read below what a few of your higher ed colleagues who attended the past editions of the Higher Ed Analytics Conference say about the event.