Higher Ed Experts

2 new instructors for @HigherEdExperts’ certificate program on social media measurement for #highered

Holly Sherburne (Bowdoin College) and Jessica Stutt (UNB) to replace Dr. Liz Gross

After her 2.5-year tenure with Higher Ed Experts, Dr. Liz Gross taught her last course session of our professional certificate program on social media measurement for higher ed this summer. She has stopped teaching the 4-week online program in order to focus 100% of her time on her next big venture (or her world domination plans as I like to put it). I can’t say anything more about Liz’ plans for now, but you’ll all hear about it this coming Fall (how’s that for a teaser? 🙂

While we’re all sad at Higher Ed Experts to see our dear Dr. Liz leave the team, we’re also very excited to welcome two alums of the social media measurement program as its new instructors:

Both Jessica and Holly will alternate teaching duties starting with the September session.

Meet Prof Jessica

Jessica Stutt is the Integrated Marketing Manager at UNB. She is an experienced marketing professional with a background in marketing analytics and measurement. Jessica has significant experience in collecting and analyzing data from a variety of marketing sources and converting raw data into meaningful, comprehensive reports. She understands the importance of cutting to the ‘so what’ of data, distilling complex data sets to their core components and how to present them in visually meaningful ways.

Before joining the Marketing Office at the University of New Brunswick, Jessica worked in marketing at Salesforce Radian6. She has been at UNB since 2011, starting as Marketing Automation Specialist managing the university’s email platform implementation and strategy development. She then transitioned to the role Marketing Data Analyst, overseeing the university-wide analytics initiatives including web analytics and marketing campaign measurement. She has recently moved into the role of Integrated Marketing Manager and is focused on overseeing the strategic development, execution and optimization of university-wide marketing initiatives.

Jessica holds a Bachelor of Arts and Master of Business Administration from the University of New Brunswick as well as a Master of Urban Studies from Simon Fraser University. She is a graduate of the Higher Ed Experts Social Media Measurement professional certificate program she teaches as well as the Advanced Web Analytics course.

Meet Prof Holly

Holly Sherburne is the Director of Digital and Social Media at Bowdoin College. She originally joined Bowdoin in 2004 as the first college webmaster. Holly left in 2006 to start her own business, returning again in 2010 to formalize and grow the social media program. Now the director of digital and social media, Holly and her team work with departments and programs college-wide to facilitate the integration and adoption of digital media and technology to achieve a more connected, engaged, and informed Bowdoin community. Goal-setting, strategy, and analytics are a daily part of the job as is training and education. At the end of the day, it’s about people, not technology!

Holly gets the most satisfaction out of helping people look at information in new ways, asking questions, and finding unexpected insights to drive change. She received her master’s degree in Environmental Health Science from Oregon State University and is an alumna of Higher Ed Experts Social Media Measurement and Web Analytics courses and has earned her Google Analytics Qualification. She is a member of the Digital Analytics Association, American Marketing Association, and CASE.