Watch “The online classroom as a new channel” and register for weekly free “Talk & Learn” on Fridays

The Online Classroom as a New Digital Communication Channel Last week at the live Friday Free Higher Ed Experts’ Talk & Learn, Jenna Spinelle (Penn State) and Andrew Cassel (Middlebury College) presented a 12-minute session on the online classroom as a new digital communication channel in higher ed:“Helping faculty, your new digital influencers” “How to […]

30 Min Talk Online Classroom Digital Channel Sq
  • This course has already provided me with a solid foundation and the beginnings of analysis on our website. The assignments were based on real-world examples from our own sites and proved to be practical right from the start. Now that the course is over I can bring ideas from the assignments to our marketing team for brainstorming and implementation. Having access to the course materials for a year will be a great help as we continue experimenting with finding data meaningful for our work. I highly recommend the course as an introduction to Google Analytics.

    Jill Simpson-Owens, NYU Abu Dhabi. Jill Simpson-Owens, NYU Abu Dhabi,
    Web Analytics for Higher Ed Course Alum
  • What I like most about this course is the interaction with others form the higher ed field. Even though I’m based in Australia, I got to interact with people from the USA and Egypt and learn from their experience and ideas.

    Ellen Brummel. Ellen Brummel, Communications Specialist, Monash University
    Social Media Marketing for Higher Ed Course Alum
  • Easy to understand, digestible, actionable information and presentations.

    Gabe Santi, Michigan State University. Gabe Santi, Michigan State University,
    Higher Education Analytics Conference Alum
  • The web analytics for higher education course was great! I would recommend it for someone who knows about Google Analytics but doesn’t have the confidence to go in and mess around. This course has inspired me to measure everything on our website.

    Katelyn Taylor, Boise State University. Katelyn Taylor, Boise State University,
    Web Analytics for Higher Ed Course Alum

The web analytics for higher education course was great! I would recommend it for someone who knows about Google Analytics but doesn’t have the confidence to go in and mess around. This course has inspired me to measure everything on our website.

Katelyn Taylor, Boise State University. Katelyn Taylor, Boise State University,
Web Analytics for Higher Ed Course Alum

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