Karine oversees the development of the professional development curriculum at Higher Ed Experts and has conducted several research projects on the use of digital marketing analytics in higher education since 2011. She developed the Higher Ed Digital Marketing Analytics Roadmap (HEDMAR) Framework in 2016.
Karine taught the capstone graduate course of the MBA in Social Media Marketing at Southern New Hampshire University: Social Media Marketing Campaigns, a course she designed and authored for this SNHU online program. At Higher Ed Experts, she has taught social media marketing to more than 150 higher ed professionals.
Karine has shared her insights about higher ed digital marketing and social media trends since February 2005. She also authors the Internet Technologies column for University Business. She has presented on social media marketing, web analytics and online courses at leading higher ed conferences (CASE, American Marketing Association, EduComm, eduWeb, CUPRAP, HighEdWeb, etc.).

Holly originally joined Bowdoin in 2004 as the first college webmaster. She left in 2006 to start her own business, returning again in 2010 to formalize and grow the social media program. Mostly recently, Holly served as the director of digital and social media, leading a team to facilitate the integration and adoption of digital media and technology to achieve a more connected Bowdoin community. In March 2018, she accepted a new position as Manager of Technology and Marketing in Bowdoin’s Admissions and Student Aid Office. Goal-setting, strategy, and analytics are a daily part of her job as is training and education — at the end of the day, it’s about the people, not the technology!
Holly finds satisfaction helping people look at information in new ways, asking questions, and finding unexpected insights to drive change. She received her master’s degree in Environmental Health Science from Oregon State University and is an alumna of Higher Ed Experts Social Media Measurement and Web Analytics courses.
She has earned her Google Analytics Qualification and is a Digital Analytics Association Certified Web Analyst (CWA).

Tatjana has been working in higher education for her entire 30-year professional career. She started in the field of instructional technology at Harvard University working with faculty on a variety of multimedia based educational initiatives. She was an early adopter of web-based technologies and brought her expertice in delivering educational content via the web to Lewis & Clark College and Williams College. For the past 20 years, she been part of a small team managing the University of Vermont’s web presence including the web infrastructure and centrally managed web content.
Tatjana is responsible for setting up and maintaining UVM’s central web traffic data collection in 2007 and has been collecting and using that data ever since to help inform web content strategy both centrally and among the university’s many individual units. She works with campus leaders to configure analytics goals on an institutional and departmental level and produces reports complete with content development and marketing recommendations that align with strategic objectives and initiatives.
Tatjana particularly enjoys coming up with creative solutions using analytics to answering enrollment management questions. She is an alumna of Web Analytics for Higher Ed (2011), as well as additional HEE courses on Advanced Analytics and Predictive Analytics.

A professional writer and communicator, Dr. Corie Martin has worked in higher education since 2008, currently as a professor of Marketing for the Gordon Ford College of Business at Western Kentucky University. She served as the Director of Web Services and Digital Marketing for Public Affairs at WKU until the summer of 2019, when she began serving as the Executive Director of Marketing and Public Relations for Med Center Health, a system of six hospitals and subsidiaries in Southcentral Kentucky.
Her career spans nearly 25 years in journalism, advertising, media relations, web services, social media and marketing. She began her career at WKU as the first ever social media recruiter for the Office of Admissions, before moving to Public Affairs, where she led award-winning website redesign efforts, unique social and digital media initiatives, and major marketing outreach campaigns.
A frequent speaker at conferences, events (HighEdWeb, eduWeb, Ruffalo Noel-Levitz NCSRMR, NACAC, AASCU, and Higher Ed Social Media and Content conferences for Higher Ed Experts), and a contributor to higher ed publications, Dr. Martin shares best practices in social media, collaborative content strategies, and innovative outreach solutions.
Dr. Martin holds a BA in Communication, an MA in Organizational Management, and an Ed.D. in Postsecondary Educational Leadership. She is a member of the Higher Ed Experts faculty, teaching the 4-week online course on Social Media and Web Writing for Higher Ed, a course she also completed.

Sofia is the web writer and communications officer for Arts, Sciences and Engineering at the University of Rochester. As part of the web team, her work includes creating, editing, and curating content for the university’s homepage and top-level pages, departmental web pages, and social media accounts. She regularly co-hosts on-campus presentations and workshops about strategic and tactical web communications.
Before joining UR, Sofia worked as the assistant editor in the marketing and communications department at Nazareth College. Her work as part of the teams at Nazareth and UR has been recognized with awards from CASE and PRSA.
Sofia earned her master’s degree in English language and literature from Queen’s University in Canada. She is currently pursuing her master’s in online teaching and learning at UR. Sofia is also a graduate of the Higher Ed Experts web writing certificate program, and is now its instructor.

Aaron is a 15-year veteran in the Higher Education industry, with experience in Admissions, Academic Affairs, Information Technology, and Marketing Communications. Aaron is the associate director of content strategy for Harvard University Public Affairs and Communications, where his primary responsibility is measuring the impact of digital content produced by Harvard or written about Harvard. He also serves as a data evangelist, helping writers, editors, and content distributors get a sense of how engagement metrics can inform their work.
Aaron’s experience in many aspects of the digital product lifecycle gives him unique insight into what metrics matter most and to whom. He produces reports and dashboards, organizes professional development events for digital communicators, and translates business objectives into action items for developers.
Aaron is a faculty member at Higher Ed Experts where he teaches web analytics for higher ed. He holds a Master of Arts degree in Technical Writing and a Graduate Certificate in Data Science from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock. Aaron has also taught upper-level technical writing and information technology college courses.

Jessica Stutt is the Integrated Marketing Manager at the University of New Brunswick. She is an experienced marketing professional with a background in marketing analytics and measurement. She has significant experience in collecting and analyzing data from a variety of marketing sources and converting raw data into meaningful, comprehensive reports.
Before joining the Marketing Office at the University of New Brunswick, Jessica worked in marketing at Salesforce Radian6, a social media monitoring platform. Jessica holds a BA and MBA from the UNB as well as a Master of Urban Studies from Simon Fraser University.
She is a faculty member at Higher Ed Experts and teaches social media and digital analytics. She is also a graduate of Higher Ed Experts’ Social Media Measurement and Advanced Web Analytics professional certificate programs.