Kat Hasenauer Cornetta, Assistant to the Dean of Students for Programs, Communications & Technology, Boston University

Kat Hasenauer Cornetta

Kat Hasenauer Cornetta is the Assistant to the Dean of Students for Programs, Communications and Technology at Boston University. In her over eight years in the office, she helped establish one of the leading social media campaigns for a senior student affairs officer in the nation.

She has extensive experience in crisis response via social media. Yahoo! named her a Trending Now Insider in 2011, because of her personal social media outreach combined with her social media work experience. She credits her personal social media work for taking her from sports blogger to a part-time sports writer for a major daily newspaper. Kat holds a Bachelor of Arts in History from Binghamton University and a Masters of Education from Boston University. You can follow her sports writing and higher education adventures on Twitter at @sportsgirlkat.