“Attending” this event and being able to invite others to participate is a highlight of my academic year. It is not only personally helpful, but it also goes a long way to helping legitimize many of the efforts our department suggested or worked to implement in marketing communications at our institution.
It was a great way to very quickly get a broad spectrum of advice from several experts in the field. Each expert approached similar problems in different ways – which allowed us to pick solutions that best fit our needs.
In four weeks, I gained the resources and knowledge I was seeking to create an effective social media measurement program. The course has you apply what you learn to your current situation teaching and training you along the way. I gained so much from the instructor feedback and the discussions with my classmates. I now have a solid framework from which to build my social media measurement platform.
Overall this was a great conference to attend with social media collaborators on my campus. I left with a list of small and big ideas to implement and explore, both within my own unit and in collaboration with others.
Overall this was a great conference to attend with social media collaborators on my campus. I left with a list of small and big ideas to implement and explore, both within my own unit and in collaboration with others.
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