#HEETalkLearn Posts that Worked (April 24, 2020): Augmented Reality Instagram Sticker, Proud Binge Watching, Self-Care & Distancing Tips

Posts that Works from the #HEETalkLearn Speakers & Attendees Every week at the Higher Ed Experts’ Free Friday Talk & Learn we have a 10-min session on a given topic, but I also share a quick round up of the best performing posts of the previous week suggested by speakers and attendees along with templates […]

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  • Since we are a small marketing department with only one person dedicated to social media, this conference allows me the opportunity to stay informed about how to best utilize social media metrics, practices, and new trends in short, succinct presentations. Very effective use of my time!

    Stephanie Malloy, University of Northwestern Ohio. Stephanie Malloy, University of Northwestern Ohio,
    Higher Education Social Media Conference Alum
  • Whether you’re just starting to experiment with social media marketing or are hoping to be more strategic about your efforts, Karine Joly’s course will give you the tools you need (and for people like me, the tools you didn’t even know existed) to be successful.

    Rachel Rice. Rachel Rice, Director of Community and Media Relations at University of Maine at Presque Isle
    Social Media Marketing for Higher Ed Course Alum
  • I would recommend this course for beginning web writers or individuals who manage their college or department web pages and social media. In higher education, we often see administrative assistants and coordinators asked to take on web-related responsibilities. This would be a perfect course to do individually or in concert with the university’s marketing department.

    Sheri Lehman. Sheri Lehman, Interactive Marketing Specialist at Chapman University
    Web Writing for Higher Ed Course Alum
  • If your director wants more stats than just “mine-are-bigger-than-yours,” this course gives you the grounding in what else is possible. It’s like reading the table of contents to Joy of Cooking — you won’t know how to debone a chicken but you will know they have bones and maybe that they take an hour to roast.

    GA is too broad and deep and higher education’s needs too specific to go it alone unless you’re one of those who taught themselves C++ on a weekend. Good course.

    Caryn Cameron, Simon Fraser University. Caryn Cameron, Simon Fraser University,
    Web Analytics for Higher Ed Course Alum

If your director wants more stats than just “mine-are-bigger-than-yours,” this course gives you the grounding in what else is possible. It’s like reading the table of contents to Joy of Cooking — you won’t know how to debone a chicken but you will know they have bones and maybe that they take an hour to roast.

GA is too broad and deep and higher education’s needs too specific to go it alone unless you’re one of those who taught themselves C++ on a weekend. Good course.

Caryn Cameron, Simon Fraser University. Caryn Cameron, Simon Fraser University,
Web Analytics for Higher Ed Course Alum

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