Posts that Works from the #HEETalkLearn Speakers & Attendees
Every week at the Higher Ed Experts’ Free Friday Talk & Learn we have a 10-min session on a given topic, but I also share a quick round up of the best performing posts of the previous week suggested by speakers and attendees along with templates when possible.
Featured this week in this 4-min segment:
- Hero Profiles from NYU Steinhardt and LeMoyne College
- Virtual Student Club Fair Instagram Highlight from Franklin & Marshall College
- Spell your Name Workout from MSU Texas
- Kent State’s Conference Call for Mascots
- Catch the Mascot GIF Challenge from the University at Albany
- Missouri State’s Commencement Announcement Video
Hero Profiles, Workouts, #HigherEd Mascots & Commencement and More
In “Posts that Worked” every week I highlight top performing posts to help you share, adopt and adapt posts that worked for others.
Let’s start with NYU: Nitasha Maindiratta who presented last week shared a couple of the profiles NYU published on Instagram — like this one about a student sewing masks or this other one about an alum working at a skilled nursing facility.
Engagement and reach on the last post really went through the roof.
Proof that our higher ed communities always need another hero, Michelle Tarby from Lemoyne College also sent a post from a similar profile series she started on Facebook for her school. This post about a nursing student resulted in great positive engagement.
At Franklin and Marshall College, Tim Brixius set up a Virtual Club Fair as an Instagram Story the morning of his school’s event for admitted students. The story was saved as a highlight and linked on the website of the event.
How did he do this? By asking via email all the student organizations for up to 4 image posts or 60 seconds of video to include in the story and tagging their respective Instagram account on the resulting showcase.
AJ Lopez the third from Midwestern State University shared a Facebook simple post that surprisingly generated high engagement: Spell your full name to create your own customized workout.
You can’t go wrong with personalization for Gen Z!
Everybody loves Mascots — and spends a lot of time in Web Meetings now, so Nicole Losi who presented a few weeks ago at #HEETalkLearn decided to organize a different type of conference calls with all the mascots from Kent State’s conference. Fans were engaged and happy.
Everybody loves Mascots indeed — Brendon Phillips who works for University at Albany tapped into a current social media trend launched by pro teams. This “Catch the Mascot” Challenge resulted in amazing engagement over Twitter as everybody played the game and posted their resulting screenshot. I’ve asked Brendon to share a quick tutorial on how to create this GIF and you’ll find it on the resource page.
Did I tell you that everybody loves Mascots?
Missouri State University President enrolled Boomer Bear to share his plan for Commencement. Kevin Agee and Chris Nagle worked together on a video that resulted in incredibly positive high engagement in Facebook.
That’s it for this week’s top performing posts. If YOU have posts that work, send them my way via email karine@higheredexperts.com or DM me on Twitter @karinejoly. I will make a selection for this segment next and share on the hashtag the other ideas.
Resources & templates
HEETalkLearn Posts That Worked (April 17):
NYU Steinhardt’s Hero Profile
Le Moyne College’s Hero Profile
Franklin & Marshall College’s Virtual Club Fair Instagram Highlight
MSU Texas’s “Spell Your Name” Workout Facebook Post
Kent State’s “Conference Call” for Mascots Twitter Post
University at Albany’s “Catch Damien” Twitter Post
University at Albany Brendon Phillips’ “Catch the Mascot” Tutorial
Missouri State to recognize spring #BearGrads at traditional ceremonies
Got a post that worked?
If YOU have posts that work, send them my way via our contact form or DM me on Twitter @karinejoly.
I will make a selection for the “Posts that Worked” segment and share on the #HEETalkLearn hashtag the other ideas.
Weekly Talk & Learn on Fridays: free and to-the-point, but you need to register
If you want a weekly check-in with members of the higher ed digital communication, marketing, web and social media community, we’ve decided to host free “Talk & Learn” online meetings every Friday until further notice.
When you register, you can tell us what you’d like to see covered.
I will use Higher Ed Experts’ Zoom “computer audio” (no phone line!) meeting room for these weekly free 30-min Talk & Learn.
So, you need to register ASAP to reserve your free virtual seat.