Posts that Works from the #HEETalkLearn Speakers & Attendees
Every week at the Higher Ed Experts’ Free Friday Talk & Learn we have a 10-min session on a given topic, but I also share a quick round up of the best performing posts of the previous week suggested by speakers and attendees along with templates when possible.
Featured this week in this 5-min segment:
- Old Dominion University
- UNC Chapel Hill
Virtual Celebration for the Class of 2020 (UCF, UNL, ODU & UNC Chapel Hill)
In “Posts that Worked” every week I highlight top performing posts to help you share, adopt and adapt posts that worked for others.
This week is a special graduation edition.
Let’s start with The University of Central Florida. I mentioned this last week, but I want to refresh everybody’s memory since Carly McCarthy is one of today’s panelists. UCF held its virtual commencement ceremonies 2 weeks ago — as Facebook premieres for each of its 14 colleges. The videos were complete with music, speeches, commencement speakers, a slide per graduate, a virtual alma mater and an inspiring video
At the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Tyler Thomas and the team worked on the Go Big Grad Class of 2020 Graduation Celebration featuring a Go Big Grad Slide to personalize, several digital assets (backgrounds, filters and more) for social media, the unboxing of UNL’s Celebration in a Box package including among other things, a mortar board and the appropriate tassel.
UNL Chancellor hosted a 30-minute broadcast that was streamed online globally and across Nebraska on local TV.
With the production quality of a real TV show, the 30-minute video featured a conversation with Warren Buffett and many others. There was also an official conferral of degrees and ceremonial turning of the tassel.
At Old Dominion University, social media team of one Jamila Walker has performed something close to a miracle and showered ODU graduates with special digital assets (backgrounds, filters, frames). She also did a watch party on YouTube including a celebratory video but also a simple but super effective “Find your Name” video.
At the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, Philip Jones and his team celebrated their graduates last weekend. This was the culmination of several weeks of celebration including the digitalisation of graduation tradition, “Sign your Bell Tower brick.” The team offered the graduate to create their own brick and share the results on social media.
The 20-min watch party for the Class of 2020 was done on YouTube, Facebook and IGTV and included several videos
I found the following video combining a quote from an alum and answers from graduates particularly moving.
Another tradition was also featured, the performance by the Clef Hangers of the University’s unofficial anthem: “Carolina in my Mind.”
That’s it for this week’s top performing posts. If YOU have posts that work, send them my way via email karine@higheredexperts.com or DM me on Twitter @karinejoly. I will make a selection for next week’s segment.
Resources & templates
#HEETalkLearn Posts That Worked (May 15):
UNC Chapel Hill’s Virtual Celebration of the Class of 2020 (Google Doc)
ODU’s Virtual Celebration of the Class of 2020 (Google Doc)
UNL’s Virtual Celebration of the Class of 2020 (Google Doc)
UCF Spring 2020 Virtual Commencement Ceremonies on Facebook
Got a post that worked?
If YOU have posts that work, send them my way via our contact form or DM me on Twitter @karinejoly.
I will make a selection for the “Posts that Worked” segment and share on the #HEETalkLearn hashtag the other ideas.
Weekly Talk & Learn on Fridays: free and to-the-point, but you need to register
If you want a weekly check-in with members of the higher ed digital communication, marketing, web and social media community, we’ve decided to host free “Talk & Learn” online meetings every Friday until further notice.
When you register, you can tell us what you’d like to see covered.
I will use Higher Ed Experts’ Zoom “computer audio” (no phone line!) meeting room for these weekly free 30-min Talk & Learn.
So, you need to register ASAP to reserve your free virtual seat.