Archives: hesm15
At Higher Ed Experts, we believe in the power of education.That's why hundreds of higher ed marketers - your colleagues - and their institutions (universities, colleges and schools) have invested time and money in our trusted training programs. Our higher ed conferences and courses have helped them tackle today's and tomorrow's higher education marketing challenges.
Great #hesm pros to follow: Nikki Sunstrum (@nikkisunstrum) from University of Michigan (@UMich)

Nikki Sunstrum, Director of Social Media at the University of Michigan, is one of the 12 presenters of the 3rd Higher Ed Social Media Conference. In this 3-question interview, Nikki tells us how she manages social media, shares a surprising social media outcome and tackles the tough ROI question. 1) How do you manage your […]
- Categories: Higher Ed Marketing News.
- Tags: hesm15 and Higher Ed News.
Great #hesm pros to follow: Chelsey Rovesti from Point Park University (@PointParkU)

Chelsey Rovesti, Manager of Social Media at Point Park University, is one of the 12 presenters of the 3rd Higher Ed Social Media Conference. In this 3-question interview, Chelsey tells us how she manages social media, shares a surprising social media outcome and tackles the tough ROI question. 1) How do you manage your activity […]
- Categories: Higher Ed Marketing News.
- Tags: hesm15 and Higher Ed News.
Great #hesm pros to follow: Rachel Reuben (@rachelreuben)

Rachel Reuben, Principal at RRC, is one of the 12 presenters of the 3rd Higher Ed Social Media Conference. In this 3-question interview, Rachel tells us how she manages social media, shares a surprising social media outcome and tackles the tough ROI question. 1) How do you manage your activity on social media? I tend […]
- Categories: Higher Ed Marketing News.
- Tags: hesm15 and Higher Ed News.
Great #hesm pros to follow: Robert Bochnak (@RobertBoc) from Harvard Business School (@HarvardHBS)

Robert Bochnak, Assistant Director, Alumni Marketing and Communications at Harvard Business School, is one of the 12 presenters of the 3rd Higher Ed Social Media Conference. In this 3-question interview, Robert tells us how he manages social media, shares a surprising social media outcome and tackles the tough ROI question. 1) How do you manage […]
- Categories: Higher Ed Marketing News.
- Tags: hesm15 and Higher Ed News.
Great #hesm pros to follow: Nina Sossen (@ninasossen) from University of Massachusetts Amherst

Nina Sossen, Director of Social Media at the University of Massachusetts – Amherst, is one of the 12 presenters of the 3rd Higher Ed Social Media Conference. In this 3-question interview, Nina tells us how she manages social media, shares a surprising social media outcome and tackles the tough ROI question. 1) How do you […]
- Categories: Higher Ed Marketing News.
- Tags: hesm15 and Higher Ed News.
Great #hesm pros to follow: Tracy Payle (@tracyplayle) from Pickle Jar Communications

Tracy Payle, Director & Content Strategist at Pickle Jar Communications Ltd, is one of the 12 presenters of the 3rd Higher Ed Social Media Conference. In this 3-question interview, Tracy tells us how she manages social media, shares a surprising social media outcome and tackles the tough ROI question. 1) How do you manage your […]
- Categories: Higher Ed Marketing News.
- Tags: hesm15 and Higher Ed News.
Great #hesm pros to follow: Candace Nelson (@Candace07) from West Virginia University (@WestVirginiaU)

Candace Nelson, Senior Writer,University Relations/News at West Virginia University, is one of the 12 presenters of the 3rd Higher Ed Social Media Conference. In this 3-question interview, Candace tells us how she manages social media, shares a surprising social media outcome and tackles the tough ROI question. 1) How do you manage your activity on […]
- Categories: Higher Ed Marketing News.
- Tags: hesm15 and Higher Ed News.
Great #hesm pros to follow: Dominique Benjamin (@dom_forshort) from Duke University (@DukeU)

Dominique Benjamin, Digital & Social Media Specialist at Duke University, is one of the 12 presenters of the 3rd Higher Ed Social Media Conference. In this 3-question interview, Dominique tells us how he manages social media, shares a surprising social media outcome and tackles the tough ROI question. 1) How do you manage your activity […]
- Categories: Higher Ed Marketing News.
- Tags: hesm15 and Higher Ed News.
Great #hesm pros to follow: Kate Post (@post_kate) from California State University, Chico (@chicostate)

Kate Post, Digital Media Specialist at California State University, Chico, is one of the 12 presenters of the 3rd Higher Ed Social Media Conference. In this 3-question interview, Kate tells us how she manages social media, shares a surprising social media outcome and tackles the tough ROI question. 1) How do you manage your activity […]
- Categories: Higher Ed Marketing News.
- Tags: hesm15 and Higher Ed News.
Great #hesm pros to follow: Tiffany Broadbent Beker (@tb623) from William & Mary (@williamandmary)

Tiffany Broadbent Beker, Web Developer & Social Media Coordinator at William & Mary, is one of the 12 presenters of the 3rd Higher Ed Social Media Conference. In this 3-question interview, Tiffany tells us how she manages social media, shares a surprising social media outcome and tackles the tough ROI question. 1) How do you […]
- Categories: Higher Ed Marketing News.
- Tags: hesm15 and Higher Ed News.