Archives: Higher Ed Marketers Career Advice
At Higher Ed Experts, we believe in the power of education.That's why hundreds of higher ed marketers - your colleagues - and their institutions (universities, colleges and schools) have invested time and money in our trusted training programs. Our higher ed conferences and courses have helped them tackle today's and tomorrow's higher education marketing challenges.
How to increase your chances to present at a higher ed marketing conference in 2020

Want to present in 2020? The time is now! How’s 2020 been so far?Busy, right? I’m sure you are caught in countless meetings, urgent projects, crises (hopefully the minor kind) and the craziness of snowy days that don’t quite graduate to full-blown snow days. In the whirlwind of the first few weeks of the year, […]
- Categories: Higher Ed Marketing News.
- Tags: Higher Ed Experts Faculty, Higher Ed Marketers Career Advice, Higher Ed News, and Karine Joly.
Why (and how to) present and publish to advance your #highered career in 2020

Sharing to advance your higher ed career We love to share in higher education. It’s part of our culture. Our industry is probably the only one where competitors (institutions competing for the best students, faculty or resources) exchange homework, tutor each other and embrace artistic borrowing as a way of getting things done – fast […]
- Categories: Featured and Higher Ed Marketing News.
- Tags: Higher Ed Experts Faculty, Higher Ed Marketers Career Advice, Higher Ed News, and Karine Joly.
Top sessions and content from the 2019 HighEdWeb Conference #heweb19

I couldn’t make the trip to Milwaukee this year to attend the 2019 HighEdWeb Conference, but I was still able to find some great content shared on Twitter, the conference website and the journal Link. So, I’ve decided to create this short selection of what I found the most interesting after spending a few hours […]
- Categories: Featured and Higher Ed Marketing News.
- Tags: Higher Ed Experts Faculty, Higher Ed Marketers Career Advice, Higher Ed News, and Karine Joly.
Why and how to present at higher ed marketing conferences in 2020

Higher Ed DigiTAL(ES) is a series on career advice for digital marketers and communicators working in higher education. Expect tips, tricks, tools and tales collected through a decade helping your higher ed colleagues learn and grow in their digital career. What’s preventing you from submitting a conference proposal? What is the biggest reason for NOT […]
- Categories: Higher Ed Marketing News.
- Tags: Higher Ed Experts Faculty, Higher Ed Marketers Career Advice, Higher Ed News, and Karine Joly.
Higher Ed DigiTALES: How to make the most of your higher ed summer at work

Summer in higher ed: best time, too fast Summer is a wonderful time of the year, right? When students and faculty leave campus, everything seems to slow down. Fewer people, fewer urgent demands and fewer deadlines usually mean more time to work on your own projects. It’s the perfect time to tackle the big initiative […]
- Categories: Featured and Higher Ed Marketing News.
- Tags: Higher Ed Experts Faculty, Higher Ed Marketers Career Advice, Higher Ed News, and Karine Joly.
Higher Ed DigiTALES: Why and how to present at the 2019 Higher Ed WEBSITES Conference in June

Higher Ed Websites don’t get the attention they deserve Higher ed websites are working hard. As the digital face and headquarters of your school, your website plays a key role in your digital marketing and communication strategy. Yet, higher ed websites don’t always get the attention and love they deserve, because, as higher ed digital […]
- Categories: Higher Ed Marketing News.
- Tags: Higher Ed Experts Faculty, Higher Ed Marketers Career Advice, Higher Ed News, and Karine Joly.
How to increase your chances to present at a higher ed marketing conference in 2019

Want to present in 2019? The time is now! How’s 2019 been so far? Busy, right? Even if students have barely made it back to campus after the holidays break, I’m sure you are already caught in countless meetings, urgent projects, crises (hopefully the minor kind) and the craziness of snowy days that don’t quite […]
- Categories: Higher Ed Marketing News.
- Tags: Higher Ed Experts Faculty, Higher Ed Marketers Career Advice, Higher Ed News, and Karine Joly.
Higher Ed DigiTALES: The only way #highered digital marketers and communicators won’t burn out in 2019

My Prediction for Higher Ed Digital Professionals in 2019 It’s the season of predictions, right? While I usually try to stay away from games of chance, I’m going to make a single prediction for 2019: If you – as a higher ed digital professional – don’t embrace strategic measurement in 2019, you will have a […]
- Categories: Higher Ed Marketing News.
- Tags: Higher Ed Experts Faculty, Higher Ed Marketers Career Advice, Higher Ed News, and Karine Joly.
Higher Ed DigiTALES: How to host a Higher Ed Experts Conference at your school by Krista Boniface (UofT)

Higher Ed DigiTAL(ES) is a series on career advice and professional development for digital marketers and communicators working in higher education. As the Social Media Officer at the University of Toronto, I’m about to host the Higher Ed Social Media Conference organized by Higher Ed Experts as a cross-campus watching party for the U of […]
- Categories: Higher Ed Marketing News.
- Tags: Higher Ed Marketers Career Advice and Higher Ed News.
Higher Ed DigiTALES: Why and how to start your higher ed marketing conference presenter story now

Higher Ed DigiTAL(ES) is a series on career advice for digital marketers and communicators working in higher education. Expect tips, tricks, tools and tales collected through a decade helping your higher ed colleagues learn and grow in their digital career. What’s preventing you from submitting a conference proposal? What is the biggest reason for NOT […]
- Categories: Higher Ed Marketing News.
- Tags: Higher Ed Experts Faculty, Higher Ed Marketers Career Advice, Higher Ed News, and Karine Joly.